Aws toolkit for visual studio 2017 download
Aws toolkit for visual studio 2017 download

aws toolkit for visual studio 2017 download
  1. #Aws toolkit for visual studio 2017 download how to#
  2. #Aws toolkit for visual studio 2017 download code#

Preview of the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio 2017. I recommend watching this video first as it gives a great overview of AWS Lambda, the C# and Visual Studio support for AWS Lambda as well as the 3 programming models I discussed above.

#Aws toolkit for visual studio 2017 download code#

As Visual Studio Code is cross-platform you can be on MAC, Windows or Linux, in this article I am going to be on Windows, however that should effect only the shortcuts that I mention.

#Aws toolkit for visual studio 2017 download how to#

In this article I am going to go through step by step on how to get started with Visual Studio Code and creating your first C# based AWS Lambda function out of it.Marketo has a REST API that can be used to accomplish this task. Marketo is a marketing automation platform, and in the parlance of Marketo what I will be doing is triggering a campaign to run against the leads I give it. We need to create a microservice that sends all mail for the system through a centralized Marketo instance. I’m architecting a product (for my employer Digital Pi) which is hosted within the Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment. Parameter name: stream at System.IO.StreamReader.ctor(Stream stream, Encoding encoding, Boolean detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean leaveOpen) at System.IO.StreamReader.ctor(Stream stream) at .CalculateRuntimeHierarchy() at .FlattenRuntimeFolder(IToolLogger logger, String publishLocation, JsonData depsJsonTargetNode) at .CreateApplicationBundle(LambdaToolsDefaults defaults, IToolLogger logger, String workingDirectory, String projectLocation, String configuration, String targetFramework, String msbuildParameters, Boolean disableVersionCheck, String& publishLocation, String& zipArchivePath) at .DeployFunctionCommand.d_38.MoveNext() - End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown - at .ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at .HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at .Commands.BaseCommand`1.d_10.MoveNext() publish: Published 1/1 projects successfully Unknown error executing command: Value cannot be null. publish: publish: Published to C:Learning ProjectsAlexaLambda1AlexaLambda1binReleasenetcoreapp1.0publish.

aws toolkit for visual studio 2017 download

publish: Project AlexaLambda1 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0) will be compiled because inputs were modified. invoking 'dotnet publish', working folder 'C:Learning ProjectsAlexaLambda1AlexaLambda1binReleasenetcoreapp1.0publish'. Unable to determine csproj project file when validating version of Executing publish command Deleted previous publish folder.

Aws toolkit for visual studio 2017 download